秋山 仁(あきやま じん)
Polyhedral Characterization of Reversible Hinged Dissections: Graphs and Combinatorics on line, Unfoldings of an Envelope: European J. Combin. 80, 3–16 (2019)
Generalization of Haberdasher’s Puzzle: Discrete Comput. Geom. 58, (1), 30–50
Reversibility and foldability of Conway tiles: Comput. Geom. 64, 30–
45 (2017)
Decision Algorithm for Reversible Pairs of Polygons: Discrete Applied
Math. 178, 19–26 (2014)
Atoms for Parallelohedra, Geometry-Intuitive: Discrete and Convex, Bolyai Soc. Math. Studies. 24 23–43 (2013)
Determination of the Element Numbers of Regular Polytopes: Geometriae Dedicata 159, 89–97 (2012)
The Element Number of the Convex Regular Polytopes: Geometriae Dedicata 151,
(1), 269–278 (2011)
Element number of the Platonic solids: Geometriae Dedicata 145 (1), 181–193 (2010),
Universal Measuring Boxes with Triangle Base: Amer.
Math. Monthly 115, 195–201 (2008)
Tile Makers and Semi-Tile Makers: Amer.
Math. Monthly 114, 602–609 (2007) など多数
『Treks into Intuitive Geometry』(Springer, 2015)
『Factors and Factorizations of Graphs』(Springer, 2011)
『A Day’s Adventure in Math Wonderland』(World Scientific, 2008)
〈邦訳:『数学ワンダーランドへの 1 日冒険旅行』(近代科学社,2010)〉
『発見的教授法による数学シリーズ』全 7 巻(森北出版,2014)など多数